2017 TAMS Alumni Reception

The second annual TAMS Alumni Reception went down at the UNT Student Union on June 23, 2017. TAMSters from many classes – but particularly the 5-, 10-, 20- and 25-year reunion classes – dressed up and socialized while reminiscing about classes, shenanigans and forged friendships.

Here are some photos from the reception – as well as from a few reunion activities, including breakfast at Bruce (which doesn’t look the same), a tour of McConnell (which mostly does), a picnic at Eureka, and at least two visits to the now-hopping Denton square scene.

It was TAMStastic! 😀

2016 TAMS Alumni Reception

The very first TAMS Alumni Reception was a success. Thank you to everyone who attended, with a special thanks to Meaghan Hildinger for organizing the event. By the numbers:

  • Total: 173
  • Alumni: 131
  • Plus Ones: 32
  • UNT Staff: 10

Class of 2006, 1996, and Charter Class were honored, but we had alumni present from 19 different classes. The classes with the most representation:

  • 1996: 55
  • 2006: 24
  • 2011: 11
  • 2014: 6
Class of 2006

Class of 2006

We don’t have a date for 2017 yet. To receive information of future official TAMS events, keep your contact info up-to-date: https://tams.unt.edu/alumni/update-your-info

2016 TAMS talks

Dr. de Oliveira is traveling this summer, and Meaghan has arranged for alumni gatherings while he’s visiting.

Sunday, June 5, 2016 at 6pm
City Tap House of DC – Penn Quarter
901 9th St NW
Washington, DC 20001

Monday, June 20, 2016 at 6pm
Alden & Harlow
40 Brattle St
Cambridge, MA 02138

Sunday, July 24, 2016 at 6pm
Club Lucky, Cocktail Lounge
1824 W Wabansia Ave
Chicago, IL 60622

If you’re interested in attending these events and didn’t get an invite, send an email to the alumni coordinator, Meaghan Hildinger, for details.

Happy Pi Day!

A big thanks to all for hosting and attending the 3.14th annual TAMS Pi Day. The Alumni Association thanks you for making this happen. TAMS Pi Day is a unique opportunity for alumni of all ages to gather and celebrate being a TAMSter. If you missed it this year, please do consider hosting and/or attending next year.




Washington, DC





And if you’d like to donate to the Alumni Association*, please visit http://www.tamsalumni.org/donations/

For gifts of $100 and above, you will also receive pi(e). Rachel Malone, TAMS class of 2002 and owner of Archer Custom Designs, has designed an awesome pi(e) plate as a thank you gift for your donation. When you donate, we will reach out to get your mailing address for plate shipping.


Pi Day 2014

Join the TAMS alumni for the first annual Pi Day alumni celebration! March 14 (or 3.14) is the perfect time to get together with your fellow nerds and celebrate the joys of being TAMSters.

The goal is to get TAMS alumni of all classes together on 3.14, in whatever town they happen to be in. This can be as simple as meeting up at a bar, or as elaborate as you wish. If you’d like to host a TAMS Alumni Pi Day party in your neck of the woods, hit the comments and let us know! We’ll do our best to hook you up with the right folks.